Saturday, June 7, 2008

We didn't get into the finals but we do have some good news

Hi everyone,
Yes, We joined the Singapore Street Festival band competition but we didn't get into the finals :( Some things that didn't work very well, like the guitar amps that were way too loud. However, we weren't too upset about competition, at least we know that we managed to get in the semi finals with our originals!! (however I am slightly irritated that some people just can't seem to get our band name right, Pervy Boy NOT Pervy Boys)

Anyway, we have some upcoming events that are planned along the way. Pervy Boy will be doing an interview (Nokia Artist Club) and we are pretty psyched. Of course, we are working on bigger projects like recording our EP... so do come back to our website or
add us on our Facebook group !!!

Boy is everywhere !!!

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