Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pervy Boy rocking out @ Lcube!

Hey Pervs and (friends of Pervy Boy),

How's everyone? Yes, I know I was supposed to write the post like a couple of days ago but I was too busy preparing for another gigs that are coming along our way.

Okay, I have heard from you! The venue is really hot and when I meant hot, it's like performing in a huge oven for an hour. I felt like I have lost two kgs just performing in that room. Even though the venue isn't really suitable for a huge gig like ours, more than 60 people came to support their friends or family members of both DeZygote ad 7T3. We also have Sarah, a pervy fan, who came directly from school just to watch us perform!!

I think DeZygote and 7T3 put in a lot of effort in showcasing their talents to the audience and everyone really liked it (CLAP! CLAP!). Everyone was literally headbanging to every song that they were playing. They certainly put up a kickass show!! A word of advice : Continue to do what you are doing and don't let anyone stop you. I am sure I will be able to see the bands at other performances!!!

I was hoping that they would be able to play more songs but hey, this isn't the last show. I am sure there are more to come and hopefully we would be able to put up a better show with a suitable venue. Of course, we will try to make the gig as affordable as possible ( Like MTV $2 Bill), just enough to cover the cost of the venue.

DeZygote and 7T3, looking forward to share the stage with you! Hope to hear from you soon!

PS: Do send us your website/myspace/email or photos so we can post it up on our blog!!!!

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