Hey Everyone,
I know some of you have problems trying to vote for the Pervs on Live n Loaded.
So I have included a step by step guide for everyone. Hope it helps!!!! And for those who are already voting, please continue to vote for us!! You can vote 10 times a day!!!
To go to the website click HERE
You will see this page
Click on Rock On!
then you will come to this pagetick the box and select continue.
then you will come to this pagetick the box and select continue.
A Pop up will appear.
Click on "If you are not a member, Please register"It will bring you to the registration page.
A word of caution - Please fill in the particulars carefully, especially the password. I don't know why but sometimes it just didn't want to log me in even the password was keyed in correctly.
When you are done with the registration, a confirmation email will be sent to your account. Click on the link provided in the email and you are ready to vote for the Pervs. To vote just click on the link that I have included here http://ugc.mediacorptv.sg/LiveNLoadedDetail.aspx?campaign=livenloaded&Item_ID=UGC-4698&Album_ID=984
Each email account allows you to vote up to 10 times a day. So if you have more than one email, you can use it to help vote for the PERVS!!!
Thanks Everyone!!!!