Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lyrics for Amanda Sucks

Amanda Sucks (Chia/Straaten)
The lies are out of your mouth; once again you bring me pain
I wish you'd just shut up
You smile at me like a friend but laugh behind my back
You hold a knife in your hand

This will be my sweet revenge; I'll tell them who you really are
Nobody likes you and that's the honest truth
so say goodbye to all your stuck up friends

'cos everyone will know, they'll shout it loud
the world will see you for who you really are
so smile your plastic smile and wave your stupid flag
we'll be laughing back 'cos Amanda sucks!

The sight of you just sickens me, I don't need you in my life
I don't want you on my back
No you won't see me cry; you won't see me fall
I'll see you on your knees first

And this will be my sweet revenge; I'll tell them what you really are
Nobody likes you so suck it up
so say goodbye to all your little friends

'cos everyone will know, we'll shout it loud
the world will see you for what you really are
so smile your plastic smile and wave your stupid flag
we'll be laughing back 'cos Amanda, you suck!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Avril gets Pervy!


Well Pervy boys and girls, by now you might have read in Today or in the Straits Times Life! section that the opening act for Avril Lavigne's Best Damn Tour in Singapore was none other than PERVY BOY! Yes it was an absolutely awesome chance that the Pervs were given and we did our best to live up to it.

GIMME A V! (Pervy Boy Support - just like a pushup bra!)

We came on after the Best Damn Dance competition winners did their thing, and we rocked the Indoor Stadium with 6 of our favourite originals. It was really cool to hear the crowd cheering and waving their lightsticks energetically - all 7,500 of them. What was even better was the reception we got later - some people who saw Marge and Andrew near the merchandise area said, "Rock on!" and wanted to take a picture! Derek too had his fans who were cooing about how cute he is - well there's a reason why he's Pretty Perv, ladies.


A big shout-out to Boey our guest drummer, who was roped in literally at the 11th hour to help us rock the night (we've been drummerless since Eddy departed). It helped that Boey is a huge Avril fan and therefore we didn't need to try to convince him to play. Thanks Boey - you're the man!


In case you were wondering, yes we stayed for Avril's concert - the very generous people from Midas gave the band free tickets to watch the show. Isn't that cool?

What was cooler was Avril's concert. She rocked the night with her grrrl power and her massive vocals - she played guitar, drums, piano, danced, rapped, cheered, and bounced on stage throughout the (painfully short) concert. Is there anything this girl can't do?? You rock our world, Avril!

GIMME AN L! WHAT DO YOU GET? PERVY BOY! (no you don't.. this writer cannot spell)

The best part of the night was walking out of the dressing room, past Avril's dancers and her band (the ubercool musician dudes who kept the music pumping effortlessly), and hearing them say, "Hey guys, great job! Have a good one!" That, our Pervy boys and girls, is praise from the pros - and it's priceless.

Here's to many more awesome gigs to come! Pervy Boy rock on!